Rules and Regulations
Discipline & Behaviour
- All registered students must follow the rules and regulations framed by the management time by time
- 75% attendance is compulsory in all the academic and institutional activities to be eligible to appear in the exams.
- It is compulsory for all the students to appear in each and every examination (Theory & Practical).
- The students will have to attend the programs and functions organized in/by the college.
- Student will have to give written application in case of any leave and take permission from the principal.
- Smoking and any kind of oxidation in the college campus will not be tolerated.
- An admission will be deemed as confirmed after full fee deposit and eligibility verification by the university.
- Admission will be cancelled if all the required documents are not submitted or full fees is not paid and no fees will be refunded.
Identity Card
- Wearing Identity card is essential.
- The day scholars are entitled to use college conveyance against prescribed charges.
Payment of Dues
- All dues including courses, fines, penalties etc.must be paid at from time to time or, will disqualify the student from filling the university examination form.
Railway Concession
- Railway concession from shall be made available to students during official semester vacation only. Students are required to apply at least seven days in advance.
- No student is supposed to participate in any kind of strike or agitation. Anyone found guilty of doing so is liable to face strict action including expulsion from the college.
- The ragging is strictly prohibited. Anyone found guilty of the same shall be severely punished including expulsion from hostel / college.
- The student shall be responsible for proper handling and safe return of lab equipment/apparatus/machine/instruments /games & sports goods used by them.
- Any damage, breakage or loss of the above during use or custody of the student or a batch of students shall be recovered at their expense, as the case may be.
- Students need to furnish their fee receipt and the college identity card to become a member of the library.